Botox 100IU by Allergan is a botulinum type A product. It has gone many scientific kinds of research and showing amazing results.
Allergan is a leading company in a pharmaceutical industry that provides high-quality dermal fillers products. They do business operations in over 100 countries all over the world.
Botox is a prescription medicine that doctor inject into the patient skin or muscles. It`s using to treat neck pain with cervical dystonia, some symptoms of underarm sweatin. Also overactive bladder symptoms, prevent headaches with a chronic migraine, spasm of eyelids, and some problems with eye muscles.
Sometimes doctors use it to improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows.
This product used in patients 18 years and older.
You can`t use BOTOX 100IU in such cases like allergic reactions to any botulinum type A product. If patient have allergic to any of its ingredients. Also if at the planned injection area patient have skin infection.
After injections your patients may have some side effects within hours to weak. So first of all inform your about side effects:
Vision problems
General muscle weakness.
Sometimes dizziness.
Botulinum toxin type A
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