Prosoma 500 mg - Centurion Laboratories
Centrally Acting Muscle Relaxant
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1/4: Chill 1/2: Sleep Aid 500MG: Fantastic pain relief! Carisoprodol is the only muscle relaxer that works; without being a narcotic. VERY FUNCTION DURING THE DAY @ 1/4 (125mg) 1 WHOLE, SEALED TABLET = ??? [I generally use 1/4s-1/2s for hip and lower spine pain…. God bless this medicine!!
1/4: Chill 1/2: Sleep Aid 500MG: Fantastic pain relief! Carisoprodol is the only muscle relaxer that works; without being a narcotic. VERY FUNCTION DURING THE DAY @ 1/4 (125mg) 1 WHOLE, SEALED TABLET = ??? [I generally use 1/4s-1/2s for hip and lower spine pain…. God bless this medicine!!
PAIN-O-SOMA 500mg: LIFESAVER PROSOMA: GAME-CHANGER I have 2 herniated disks, L4-L5. I popped my right hip about 15yrs ago. Tore my right rotator cuff in high school. .. and I don’t want to have surgery & I don’t use opioids/opiates. CBD does nothing for the pain. And forget KRATOM!!! These SOMA500s are my best options at this point.Submit a Photo
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J*** K*** PROSOMA 500mg
SOMAs are my preferred alternative to narcotics. But in most cases, they work just as well, if not better — because of its functionality