Oxandrolone 50 - Genetic Pharmaceuticals

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$456.00 $410.00
$912.00 $730.00

Get Oxandrolone 50 for Sale from Genetic Pharmaceuticals Online

Regarded as one of the least harmful anabolic androgenic steroids, Oxandrolone is a highly well-liked steroid. It is one of the few anabolic steroids that have a high success rate with female users; in fact, it is frequently referred to as a Woman's steroid. However, this title is a little misleading; while it is very effective for men, it is also one of the few that women can use without experiencing serious side effects. Because of its mild nature, Oxandrolone 50 is also one of the most underappreciated anabolic steroids. However, some steroid users may not appreciate oxandrolone because they have unrealistic expectations or because they bought a subpar product.

The Structure of Oxandrolone 50

Anabolic androgenic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is Oxandrolone. In particular, oxandrolone corresponds to the DHT enzyme in which the carbon-2 of the A-ring has been switched with an oxygen atom. This small change stops the hormone from being broken down metabolically and significantly boosts its anabolic potency. Then, a methyl group is added to the hormone at its seventeenth carbon position, changing it once more. This designates Oxandrolone as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) oral steroid, allowing it to be taken orally without being broken down by the liver.

How Oxandrolone 50 Acts

It binds to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, promoting protein synthesis and enhancing nitrogen retention. These processes are critical for muscle growth, strength, and recovery. Additionally, Oxandrolone for sale increases red blood cell production, improving oxygen delivery to muscles during intense physical activities. This combination of effects significantly improves muscle hypertrophy, strength, and endurance, making it an ideal choice for athletes and bodybuilders.

Oxandrolone 50 Main Advantages

Lean Muscle Mass Gains
It effectively promotes lean muscle mass gains without significant water retention or fat accumulation. This characteristic makes it an excellent choice for individuals aiming to achieve a more defined and toned physique. Users typically observe noticeable muscle density and overall body composition improvements within a few weeks of starting a cycle.
Enhanced Strength and Performance
It significantly boosts strength, allowing users to lift weights and perform more intense workouts. The increased strength contributes to muscle growth and enhances overall athletic performance. This makes Oxandrolone 50 Genetic Pharmaceuticals especially valuable for powerlifters, bodybuilders, and athletes seeking to improve their performance metrics.
Improved Recovery and Endurance
By promoting protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, Oxandrolone 50 aids in quicker muscle recovery and reduces workout fatigue. Users experience shorter recovery times between training sessions, enabling them to maintain high training intensity. Additionally, the increased red blood cell production enhances endurance and stamina, which are essential for prolonged physical activities.
Preservation of Lean Muscle During Cutting
Maintaining lean muscle mass while reducing body fat during cutting phases can be challenging. Oxandrolone 50 Genetic Pharmaceuticals helps preserve muscle tissue by creating an anabolic environment that counteracts the catabolic effects of calorie restriction. This ensures that bodybuilders retain their muscle gains even when undergoing rigorous dieting and fat-loss protocols.

Proper Usage and Dosage

The recommended dosage of Oxandrolone varies based on individual goals and experience levels. For beginners, a daily dose of 20-30 mg is often sufficient to achieve noticeable results, whereas more experienced users may increase the dosage to 40-60 mg daily. Due to the higher concentration of Anavar, it is typically taken in divided doses throughout the day to maintain stable blood levels. A typical cycle length ranges from 6 to 8 weeks, followed by a break to allow the body to recover.

Safety Measures and Contraindications

If you have prior underlying health challenges or are on other medications, check in with a healthcare provider before initiating the use of Oxandrolone 50. Because of its strong androgenic nature, which may cause virilising effects, women should not use this product. Besides, people below 21 years of age and those with cardiovascular diseases are advised not to buy Oxandrolone 50 online.

A potent anabolic steroid provides several advantages for lean muscle mass growth, increased strength, and better recovery and maintenance of muscles during cutting cycles. Due to its high efficiency and dependable outcomes, it is among athletes' and bodybuilders' most commonly used supplements. Nonetheless, responsible usage, proper dosing, and continual supervision of one's health can guarantee maximum gains while minimizing potential dangers.

  • 9 Hours

  • Anabolic Steroid

  • Men 30-50 mg/day

  • Rarely

  • No

  • No

  • Low

  • No

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