Testoheal Cap - Healing Pharma
Testoheal Gel is a 1% testosterone preparation in the form of a gel for application to the skin, intended for replacement therapy. Currently, testosterone gel is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs prescribed for patients with low testosterone levels (hypogonadism). Testoheal Gel raises the level of testosterone in the blood, penetrating through the skin.
Also on the market there is an analogue of Testoheal Gel - Testim, which is manufactured in tubes by Auxilium. In fact, there are no pharmacological differences between these drugs.
Testoheal Gel got a great reputation as a result of the scandal that broke out in the US a few years ago, when it became clear that the famous trainer Trevor Graham said that several popular athletes are using testosterone gel to improve athletic performance. Later it turned out that the athletes did not even realize that they were using a hormonal drug, mistakenly thinking that they were rubbing harmless creams into the skin.
Testosterone Testoheal Gel has the following advantages:
No need for injections
A more even intake of the hormone into the bloodstream
This ends the benefits of testosterone gel. At the same time, there are the following disadvantages:
The difference in testosterone concentration with an increase in the dose of the drug is 2 times
Testoheal Gel and other testosterone gels have a very high cost.
In bodybuilding, it is necessary to create a high concentration of anabolic hormonesin the blood, which can not be provided through the skin. In the figure to the right, you can see that increasing the dose of Testoheal Gel leads to an increase in the concentration of testosterone by about 150 units. Thus, about 50 g of gel will be required to create the required concentration, which substantially increases the consumption of the preparation (economically very costly), and makes its use extremely inconvenient. It is necessary to cover a large area of skin with a drug, and even in this case the gel layer will be so thick that most of the testosterone gel will remain on the clothing.
Safety and efficiency of use
Numerous studies have shown the efficacy and safety of Testoheal Gel in the treatment of hypogonadism in men . Under the influence of the drug against the background of increasing testosterone concentration in the blood, there is an improvement in mood and sexual function, a decrease in the resorption of bone tissue, and an improvement in the quality of spontaneous and adequate erections.
Based on the research, it was shown that Testoheal Gel is well tolerated. During therapy with Testoheal Gel, as with other androgens, control of liver function, red blood state (hemoglobin, hematocrit), blood PSA level and prostate status (digital rectal examination) is necessary.
After discontinuation of Testoheal Gel application, the average level of testosterone remains within normal limits within 24-48 hours, and only on the 4th day after the last application it returns to the initial values (before the therapy). Simultaneously with the increase in testosterone levels, the concentration of estradiol, which is within the normal range, and the concentration of 5α-dihydrotestosterone increase , ie Testoheal Gel has the whole spectrum of testosterone action.
The drug is not indicated to women, its safety and effectiveness in children is not established.
Advantages and disadantages of Testoheal Gel
Therapy with a gel is non-invasive, painless, the application of the gel can be done at home. Local reactions when using a gel are minimal. Testoheal Gel is well tolerated (occasionally there is erythema), there was not a single case of cessation of treatment due to the development of local reactions.
Disadvantages of the gel of testosterone are mainly related to the need for daily use and the inconveniences that arise when applying the gel to the skin surface: the drying period, the restriction of skin contact with the skin of another person, etc.
Testoheal Gel - side effects
The testosterone gel Testoheal Gel has the same spectrum of side effects as testosterone:
Suppression of endogenous testosterone production
Increased blood pressure
Hypertrophy of the prostate
Hair loss
Accumulation of fluid in the body
Raising the level of harmful cholesterol
Aggression and irritability
Before using the drug, a specialist consultation is necessary.
Anabolic Steroid
120-160 mg/week
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Testosterone Undecanoate 40 mg capsulesSubmit a Photo
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J*** M*** Test undecanoate capsules / Testoheal
These capsules are somewhat effective at achieving a small, quick boost but unsustainable over time. The cost is astronomical and the effects far too little or in the event you take enough of them they are not a comfortable or pleasant way to go. I had all kinds of unpleasant sides within a two week period of use. I was hopeful, even though I knew better and I spent a lot of cash to feel like trash. Avoid these. Oddly enough the description here speaks of the gel. That worked very well with a combo of DSMO to bring the percentage of test that passes through the skin to 70% and higher. The Capsules, no way. The gel, yes if you need a break from being a pin cushion for awhile just don't forget the DSMO.