Ultima-NPP 150 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
Ultima-NPP – anabolic steroid, used by weightlifters and bodybuilders in order to achieve effective results in the weight gain process and power capabilities, strengthen ligaments, bone and immune system.
Androgenic activity of the substance is reduced, compared with testosterone, anabolic properties of the drug also appear quite moderately. This steroid is compared with the classic Deca with the difference that the Phenylpropionate’s ester chain is shortened. Therefore, the substance is acting in the body faster, but less and for a short period (1-2 days, which requires frequent injection).
Ultima-NPP Effects
steady, moderate growth of quality muscle mass with minimal rollback phenomenon;
strengthening the immune system and anti-inflammatory effect;
stimulation for use as an additional energy source – body fat stores (fat-burning effect);
strengthening of bone due to enhanced synthesis of collagen.
How to Use Ultima-NPP: Dosage, Cycle, PCT
On forums dedicated to sports pharmacology, until now there is a debate about the frequency of Ultima-NPP injection and dose. Examining the issue, we have prepared for you a few recommendations to ensure the efficiency and safety of the drug at the same time:
For men, the optimal dose is 100-200 mg (every other day).
Women should limit the dosage by 50-100 mg once every three days.
Sufficient duration of the cycle in order to achieve tangible results: 6-8 weeks. Lengthening the cycle does not guarantee greater effectiveness, but promises a lot of side effects.
Ultima-NPP Combination Cycles
Ultima-NPP is rarely used by experienced athletes on the cycle solo. For a combined cycle, it is a good idea to buy Turanabol, Winstrol, Dianabol. Depending on your goals, also you can buy Boldenone, Masteron and other anabolic steroids. For maximum efficiency, during the process of formation of high quality muscle relief and mass, also are used triple combination. Pay attention that before you buy anabolic steroids for such a powerful cycle, you should consult your doctor. Also when taking the drugs, its necessarily a must to be seen by a doctor.
Do not forget to use on cycle antiestrogens (for example, you can buy Clomid or Nolvadex). They will help to neutralize the risk of undesirable side effects (gynecomastia, water retention etc.).
Ultima-NPP Reviews
As practice shows, Ultima Pharmaceuticals anabolics, including Ultima-NPP, happy are athletes, bodybuilders and swimmers not only by the results of weight gain and power capabilities, but also by profitable bids. With regard to the Ultima-NPP reviews: in most cases, are positive reviews.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
2-3 days
Anabolic Steroid
Men 200-700 mg/week

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PMRoids Ultima
I have had Ultima on my radar for awhile now, especially the ment.
Very hard to find ment dosed at 100mg/ml but we have it here. These oils
look really nice. Nice and clear and light.
Placed a sizeable order so I figured I would go EMS for shipping..
Order included (all Ultima Pharmaceuticals):
Came in the nick of time so I will be switching over tomorrow to the ultima NPP and Tritest Blend 400 for use in my current cycle. I will also add the ment in for a finisher so I will be able to get a review out on these products when finished with cycle in a month or so.

Ultima npp
PMR came thru clutch with very fast shipping domestically and quick communication
Touchdown Ultima NPP
3x ultima npp
Look at these beauties and the great guys here even the threw in an ultima prop!Submit a Photo
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D*** T*** PMRoids Ultima
I have had Ultima on my radar for awhile now, especially the ment. Very hard to find ment dosed at 100mg/ml but we have it here. These oils look really nice. Nice and clear and light.
Placed a sizeable order so I figured I would go EMS for shipping..
Order included (all Ultima Pharmaceuticals):
Came in the nick of time so I will be switching over tomorrow to the ultima NPP and Tritest Blend 400 for use in my current cycle. I will also add the ment in for a finisher so I will be able to get a review out on these products when finished with cycle in a month or so.
F*** B*** Great product and service
Ultima’s NPP seems to be the smoothest of the NPP’s Ive taken in the past. Pm roids made the process easy, smooth and recieved shipment in perfect condition thanks to the attention to detail when packaging. Will def be going with Ultimas NPP and Pm roids from now on.
D*** C*** Ultima NPP 150
Decided to try a little Ultima NPP for joint relief and to add a few pounds. Started out low dose at 40 mg every other day for the first two weeks. Then bumped it up to 75 mg every other day. Right now I’m a total of 4 weeks in. Have a little bit of relief in the shoulders (finally able to bench again) and starting to add a little weight. Up from 194 to 198 in the last two weeks. Noticeable increase in strength as well. Plan to run a total of 8 weeks. No noticeable negative side effects so far. Only negative would be slight PIP. Rotating delts and glutes and the PIP is not too bad but slightly annoying. Also running 450 primo, 350 test pp and 100 test oil base per week so not totally sure where the PIP is coming from. I am PIP sensitive though. Overall great product and I’d order again.
A*** E*** Ultima NPP
Added a low dose of 125mg/week to my cycle to see if it helped with joints and am happy to say it does.
N*** C*** Ultima npp
The one thing about ultima is you know your going to get quality and the npp is no different. Within a week my lifts increased a min of 5 but almost always 10lbs and the scale just slowly keeps going up. That's the great thing about npp, nice steady gains and very little sides!