Cipandrol Amp - Balkan Pharmaceuticals

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1 Reviews
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$212.00 $191.00
$424.00 $339.00

Cipandrol – injectable anabolic steroid with prolonged action (about 2 weeks), the use of which is accompanied by a significant increase in muscle mass, endurance, performance and power.

As the basis of the Cipandrol drug, is used the most “long” testosterone ester – Cipandrol. This material is very popular in the US since the middle of last century. Cipandrol has high androgenic activity (100%) and anabolic (100%), flavoring properties and water retention.

Cipandrol Effects

muscle significant increase;
increase oxygen mass in the blood, endurance;
provision of spermatogenesis, increased libido;
optimization of nitrogen and phosphorus balance;
growth of power capacity;
strengthen joints (due to water retention in the body).

Cipandrol side effects often are associated with the ability of testosterone to be converted into estrogen (aromatization effect). These ready-made steroid cycles require mandatory use of anti-estrogens and aromatase blockers to avoid the effects of gynecomastia. Exceeded dosages also cause androgenic sides (possible growth of hair or hair loss, acne, high blood pressure and others.).

How to Take Cipandrol

How to increase the level of testosterone via Cipandrol steroid with minimal risk to the body? Observe several important recommendations in the preparation of the cycle:

Optimal for efficacy and safety for the body dose of Cipandrol: a weekly dose of 250-500 mg. Increasing the dose of Cipandrol is not justified and is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
Buying anabolic steroids should be on the basis of a cycle of 8-10 weeks.
Cipandrol cycle requires the mandatory use of anti-estrogens (Clomid, Nolvadex).
When using testosterone for 4 weeks or longer, should be included Gonadotropin (you may buy Fertigyn or either buy HuCoG 5000 / buy HuCoG 10000) on cycle (once a week, 500IU).

Because increasing testosterone artificially, reverse effect is always accompanied by the suppression of testosterone production in the body, for the cycle must buy Tamoxifen (to be used in a dose of 10 mg every day for two weeks after the last injection of testosterone). Also, it is advisable to always use Proviron, starting from the second week of the Cipandrol solo cycle (which, at the end of the cycle you need to replace with Tamoxifen). These measures will help to avoid an increase in testosterone, and suppression of body’s own.

Cipandrol Combination Cycles

Despite the high efficiency rates of testosterone cypionate solo, athletes achieve even more results by combining Cipandrol with other drugs. For example, to maximize the growth of quality muscle mass with Cipandrol is recommend to buy Nandrolone Decanoate (you may buy Deca 300 or buy Deca 500) (using a dosage of 200 mg every week). Also, for a combined mass gaining cycle you can buy Dianabol, buy Parabolan, buy Winstrol or buy Winstrol Depot. Athletes with no experience of using anabolic steroids need to be sure to consult with their doctor to evaluate the tolerability of such stress on the body.

However for beautiful muscles, steroids alone are not enough. It is necessary to have a proper diet and do not forget about your health. That is why it is also recommended to buy fat burners, peptides, dietary supplements and vitamin/mineral supplements.

Cipandrol Reviews

Cipandrol reviews on forums indicate that anabolic – an effective means of increasing such indicators as the increase in muscle mass (by the way, the quality of which 84% athletes are satisfied with, after the cycle), gain endurance, strength and aggressiveness in the gym. In general, testosterone, reviews, are positively evaluated by 8 of 10 athletes. Based on the statistics, 86% of bodybuilders and athletes are satisfied with the overall results of the cycle. Approximately the same number (79%) believe that the price of Cipandrol match the required quality.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.

  • 7-8 Days

  • Anabolic Steroid

  • Men 300-1500 mg/week

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Perhaps

  • No

  • Yes

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