Ultima-Bold - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
Ultima-Bold, the active ingredient is Boldenone Undecylenate.
The effects of the drug:
- quality muscle growth.
- weak flavoring.
- increased appetite.
- increased vascularity.
- growth of strength indicators.
- improved oxygen transport.
- low androgenic activity.
- almost no effects such as acne, blood pressure, prostate hypertrophy.
- to a lesser extent decreasing testosterone production.
- hepatotoxicity (miserable).
Possible side effects
Acne, blood pressure, prostate hypertrophy. The side effects can be avoided in advance by taking analyzes and post cycle therapy.
Ultima-Bold Cycles
Ultima-Bold cycle for those who “know” – 8 weeks by taking 800 mg per week of Ultima-Bold + Turinabol 40mg per day.
Ultima-Bold cycle for “chemists” – 8 weeks by taking 600mg per week of Ultima-Bold + 100mg every other day of UltimaProp + Winstrol 40mg per day.
Ultima-Bold cycle for “experienced” – 8 weeks by taking 800mg per week of Ultima-Bold + 300-400mg per week of UltimaTren.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
14 days
Anabolic Steroid
Men 400-1000 mg/week

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Ultima bold
Amazing quality that you feel right away. Starting to see results in 2 weeks alreadySubmit a Photo
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J*** M*** Ultima " E.Q.( Equipose)"
Been using Ultima products for years now. When I buy Ultima gear I know I'm getting what I pay for and the results have always been on point. This Ultima E.Q is no different. Decided to ran a nice 26wk long Bulk: Test E 1500mg/ E.Q. 1000mg. I started the bulk w/ 300mg Tren added in but dropped it @ 8 wks in due to digestion issues(Tren Side). The rest of my Bulk went great, massive gains as expected. WHat I noticed running the E.Q vs just high dose Test E is even deep into the cut I was very hard and still very vascular suprisingly, especially during workouts. Just overall felt and looked "Thicker" which I can attribute to the E.Q. Took Methylene Blue to keep my hematocrit low and was able to bulk almost 24wks. Gained about 40lbs in total. Clearly great quality E.Q.
J*** S*** My Favorite Compound
100% hands down my favorite compound. The vascularity is unreal with it. Didn’t notice too much of a strength gain; but im running low doses. Will order time and time again.
T*** C*** Size and strength
I have been on this for 4 weeks so far and I have added lean mass and adding a lot more to all of my lifts.